I can't claim to be an expert in the plumbing side of a tank, though I have done mine and plan to do another shortly.
First of all, your return pump needs to be in the sump, preferably at the bottom or close to it so that if you should find the return chamber low on water, you have the most time available before the pump burns itself out. I'm not sure if that pump has enough gumption for what you want it to do with it so someone else will have to chime in on this.
You haven't mentioned how your sump will be you have a sketch or picture? Note that all your evaporation will occur in the return chamber (where the return pump is) so make sure it is large enough. Do you have baffles to reduce the bubbles? All of these things will affect your plumbing.
As for the size of your return plumbing, there are calculators on RC and even Aquariumpros that will help you with this.
I hope this gives you a start...keep asking questions and someone here will usually always help.
290g Peninsula Display, 425g total volume. Setup Jan 2013.