I think of people didn't want a bargain, this site and others like it would suffer.
If you're not getting a bargain, why buy used at all?
You shouldn't buy things like cars if you can't handle the value depreciating 30% the second your front wheels leave the dealership IMO.
This was a great deal and I had to convince 2 of my friends to not only lend me their truck, but wake up at 7 am on a saturday and drive out to false creek from Coquitlam and take it all down, nothing was cleaned, nothing was ready and we did all of the heavy lifting so in addiditon to the 400, there was a lot of value in the leg work involved.
I think that not every sale is the same, so you can't mak these kinds of judgement calls unless you're in a transaction yourself and know what is really being exchanged.