okay, well since im doing this, might as well make a journal for it.
okay, so i am making a 29 gallon reef tank with a 20 gallon sump/refugium. just as a heads up, this thread will probably go quite slow as i am only 13 so it is hard to get money for everything i need all at one time, i am working on getting a job though, so who knows.
so anyway, so far all i have is a 29 gallon with a dark blue painted on backround, a hagen GLO series T5HO lighting setup with one atinic bulb and one spectrum, and also an Eshops overflow box.
my main coral idea is softies. like zoanthus, leather finger coral, mushrooms, ect.
my next step is probably making my stand. so look for that coming soon
a pic of the tank as is(without overflow box)