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Old 07-13-2008, 06:42 PM
Join Date: May 2008
Location: maple ridge B.C.
Posts: 57
REDNECK_REEFER is on a distinguished road

You can remove the center brace and replace it with acrylic strips. My friend Canuckgod420 did it on a 40g breeder. Place clamps around your tank wher the brace is, than remove the brace, have your acrylic strips ready and the glue you intend on using, place the strips where needed for support, then glue them into place wait 24h or so, then (SLOWLY) remove the clamps making sure that the tank does not bow on you. After it's done it looks great and it adds a custom look to your tank. Since acrylic is clear, your light will pass right through them with minimal loss of spectrum+power
90 gal with 55 gal sump dual 250 double ended hqi 14k geisseman, 33 gal prop tank geisseman 150 hqi 14500k,two cpr refugiums,P.M. calcuim reactor,tunze wavebox.
12 gal nano
55 gal freshwater planted/jaguar tank with sump, pc lighting, co2
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