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Old 07-11-2008, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Aquattro View Post
Yup, let's drop a bomb. I'm sure that all "these people" do this. Oh, wait, what do we think the bomb would do? Right, kill and mame millions of people and animals, wreak havoc on the environment and generally be really bad.
We also need to bomb North America, because they kill and torture animals everyday, just to produce McBurgers. I had pork tenderloin for dinner, I'm thinkin' that the pig didn't willingly give it up.
Ever watch North American chicken processing? Hmm, lets just pull their beaks off so they don't peck each other.
Now, some of "these people", as you call them, are friends of mine. They do not eat parts of live animals and agree that these types of things are pretty gross.
If you travel around the world, I'm sure you'd find we need to bomb the entire planet, because all "these people", all the world over, kill and eat animals. Sure, some ways to kill are nice, some are not so nice, but killing is killing. I agree that eating something AFTER it's dead is best, but c'mon, ever watch a pack of wolves (or other predators) eat? They disable an animal and start munching before the animal is actually dead. Guess we need to bomb wolves too. and tigers. and lions. And sharks. on and on.

Anyway, just got a craving for sushi, gotta run out for lunch.
Classic "straw man" argument! I understand what you're saying, but I'm doubting this person referred to an entire race of people. I would assume (though that could get me into trouble) that "these people" meant the ones doing the live cutting/eating/etc.

Certainly because animals are treated inhumanely in North America, does not mean it's okay for animals to be treated inhumanely in other parts of the world. This is a logical fallacy ("tu quoque" fallacy).

Anyway...didn't mean for tempers to flare on this. It just seemed a bit cruel and unnecessary. I mean, how fresh does it have to be?

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