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Old 07-09-2008, 01:14 PM
Moogled Moogled is offline
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Originally Posted by Underwater View Post
Ok, I’m taking a breath here to try and say this in the least offensive way possible…I was merely stating that that a person is trying to do the right thing-on every front and has gone to the Canreef population in hopes for a solution, not just some off the cuff comment tossed out at random. It’s a hard position to be in-for sure-and I don’t envy anyone who is, or has been, there.

With that, I agree with you that most of us care more about the actual well being/loss of the fish. When I began my post, your last line was not there…it simply ended with the “hubbub” comment-which (I found) was a bit harsh. The line you subsequently added (while I was typing) did take the edge off the message you were trying to convey, and your most recent post actually explained your point of view quite well-which I respect. And you are right in that Nats needs to take the useful information that has been posted, and do whatever can be stomached.

Emotions, ethics, and queasiness aside, how does one end a fish’s suffering? You make a valid argument for smashing-albeit one I just don’t know if I could pull it off.

I apologize if I came off harshly, I often edit my posts multiple times over a short time period in lieu of something more informative.

I accept that there are many fish enthusiasts out there who choose to use less taxing method to euthanize fish, but personally I do not have a preoccupation with securing a "romantic death" for my pet fish. Many people come to form bonds with their fish like any other domesticated animal, but there would certainly be no call for pushing a slab of concrete over a dying canine.

It's all semantics, but a large amount of force will pulverize a small fish instantly. However, most of my fish are fairly small so smashing them won't always be a good option with Triggers or Tangs.

Last edited by Moogled; 07-09-2008 at 01:17 PM.
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