Originally Posted by christyf5
Just thought I'd take the time out to post as frags.org only gives you like 25 letters and what an odd system
I ordered some frags as part of a group order from Greg. There were some issues in getting the box here on the part of the courier and I must say, Greg went above and beyond the call of duty to get the frags to me. After 3 days in shipping I was pleasantly surprised to receive the frags in healthy condition, all were triple bagged with enough air and water and floating on styrofoam so that they weren't damaged at all. This is a true testament to a great shipper.
All of my little prizes are now happy in their new home. Thanks Greg!! 
Thanks Christy, I'm glad that everything made it ok in spite of the courier screwing up so badly. I know those corals you selected will be some of your pride & joys in months to come. They sure are in my tank.

Thanks again,