Hey guys well i am thinking about parting out my 90 gallon system. I just dont have time to take care of this size of a tank anymore just seeing if people are interested it is a 90 gallon with 33 gallon seastar sump and home made stand
Coralife 4x65 watt Light
90 gallon tank
Custom built single over flow
All plumbing
33 gallon seastar sump
Asm g2 or g3 skimmer
Quiet one 3000 return pump
Custom built Stand
3 koralia power heads
A canister filter
Live Stock
1 yellow tang 4-5 inch
1 Naso tang 3-4inch
1 Hippo Tang 3-4 inch
All for sale, Please offer and i will post some prices once i figure it out.
All pick up nothing will be shipped just let me know what you want or a package deal anything.