CA 420 , mg 1320 , no3 no2 near zero . phos near 0 . Ph 8.2 Kh 9
temp stable at 77-78 f weekly 5% water changes .
185 gal tank 165 gal suno with refugium .
System set up form scratch 3.5 months ago
200 lbs live rock. shallow live sand bed with more live sand in refuge
Skimme rin sump ( euro 250) ca reactor , carbon 1 lb changed monthly in ractor tube .Hammer head pump for sump and dart with oceans motions recirc valve for recric and current within the tank total volume change near 8000 gal per hour . # 250 watt dohble end MH lights with 2 5 ft 80 watt vho for color . photo period 8 hours
Fish are kept in refug for 2 weeks . Added several fish at once to avoid any selectivity form aggressive species.
Lost 3 clowns on 2 separate occasions over 3 week period . Added 3 cardinals and a yellow wrasse at one time .They seemed compatible in the sump and did well for 3 weeks then slowly the cardinals would go missing one at a time over a period of 2 weeks . The wrasse I did not see after the 2nd day.
I would doubt it was water quality as all of sps etc are very healthy and growing.