I have a 200 gal reef tank that has been running for 3 months . Water conditions are perfect . Have not lost a single SPS LPS or soft coral since day one but keep loosing fish

. I currently have a yellow tank , sailfin 3 clowns and 3 bi color dotty backs .
Any small fish IE Cardinals any wrasses, new clowns seem to last up to 2 weeks and then mysteriously go missing . No signs of the fish just simply gone . I thought at first the dottys were killing them off

but they never show any signs of any aggression with during the day or at nite .
It was suggested that I may have crabs ( not hermits ) that came in the live rock that might attacking at a weak moment at nite when the fish are searching around . I have spotted a few 2-3 crabs about the size of a nickle that come out at nite and eat algae .
Any thougths