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Old 06-27-2008, 09:29 PM
jeff690 jeff690 is offline
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Default 180g reef tank + 150g FOWLR + 90g spare please delete

[B]The reef tank is as follows

cherry stand with 4 closing doors

180 gallon Oceanic drilled with dual overflows 60L X 29H X 24D

55g plexiglass sump baffled

mag 18 return pump(just bought last night)

custom plumbedclosed loop circulation system with bulkheads drilled in back of tank run by a dart external pump 2"in 2"out have no idea how many GPH

coralife elite 2X250 watt metal halide enclosure with 2 96 watt actinic 03 all bulbs were replaced in march this year

H&S protein skimmer rated to 250gal in sump

refugium 24" aqualight fixture for macroalgae in sump

precision marine Calcium reactor with carbisea ARM media

10lb CO2 canister with milwaukee bubble counter and solonoid

Tunze universal osmolator with 10gal water tank (never need to top off tank)

Neptune aquacontroller jr with PH and temp probe and DC8 module for automation of everything in the tank

phosban reactor with rowaphos media

180lbs live rock
3 lyretail anthias, 1 occelaris clown fish, 5" powder blue tang, 8" purple tang,
7"regal tang, 8" bristletooth tang, 3" blonde naso tang, 8" red sea sailfin tang
flame angelfish, canary wrasse, scooter blenny, 4 damsel cucumber, 7 skunk cleaner shrimp, 5 Fire shrimp, 4 peppermint shrimp, 2 cocoworms, harliquin shrimp, 2 feather dusters, 3 tube anemones, 1 bubble tip anemone, sea apple, green carpet anemone, giant 12" showpeice bubble coral, 3 toadstool leathers, various mushrooms, caribean ricordia with 12 heads, anthelia colony. there is too much to list so I may have forgotten something

The fish only tank is as follows

custom built oak canopy with 3 separate compartments

eurobraced with corner overflow box drilled at bottom 72L X 24H X 19D 150gal

40gal glass sump filled with bioballs and baffles

coralife turbosea 1100P external circulation pump less than a year old

precision marine bullet 2 external becket protein skimmer with mak4 pump

18w turbotwist UV steralizer

aquasafe RO/DI water change system 100GPD
crushed coral substrate
18" star puffer, 12" stars and stripes puffer, saddleback butterfly, golden spotted moray eel, 8" Sohal tang

and finally a spare 90 gal system with cabinet 48L 24H 18D and spare compact flouresent light for that with misc powerheads and such

so as you can see this is everything anyone would ever want in a home saltwater setup. I am open to offers at this point I am not desperate to sell so no low ballers with insulting offers. if you are unsure what some of this stuff is worth compare it with j&L aquatics website. I know that I wont get anywhere close to what I paid for this but I am hoping to get a fair price for it all

Last edited by jeff690; 08-10-2008 at 01:24 AM.
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