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Old 06-26-2008, 03:25 PM
JoelV JoelV is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Victoria
Posts: 78
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[qoute]Ihad my MH ballast plugged into the socket that is no longer working (high draw, but it never had a problem firing or with the breaker either[qoute]


I have heard of this problem before with Non Profilux equipment. When it comes to a high amp draw like a metal halide light, The plug heats up and cools down (Expands and contracts) more so if the plug is not seated well. Over time the metals warp and no longer connect well.
I would first try and replace your male end with that of a thicker one (Yellow replacement cord end )
the prongs are a bit thicker and may fix the problem of a a worn outlet.

Last edited by JoelV; 06-26-2008 at 03:31 PM.