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Old 06-26-2008, 10:23 AM
Vins724 Vins724 is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 2
Vins724 is on a distinguished road

as far as it goes...
If you are interested in any fish, please write down your name here or in the (buy/sell livestock area), so I can know who is interested in which fish. And of course, I need to wait for all fish gone at a time...and then the hardwares...

Starts at this format...

Livestocks - $820 o.b.o (All fish only for $750)

- 2.5" Picasso Trigger (Indonesia).................. $20 e.g.(Tony White)

- 5" Miniatus Grouper (Hawaii)...................... $60

- 5" Black & White Banner Fish (Indonesia)....... $40

- 4" Naso Tang (Indonesia)........................... $40

- 7" Naso Tang (Indonesia)........................... $90

- 3" Kole Tang (Hawaii)................................ $15 (hole in head)

- 3.5" Blue Hippo Tang (Indonesia)................. $30 (a litte hole in head)

- 6" Achilles Tang (Hawaii)........................... $180

- 6" Lookdown (U.S.)................................... $150

- 3.5" Queen Angel (U.S.)............................ $90

- 4" Clown Trigger (Indonesia)....................... $90

- 35lbs Fiji/ Tonga live rock & Coral bone......... $80

- 100lbs Caribsea live sand........................... $20


Also if you are interested in any hardware or even the whole setup, please pm me.

thanks all

Last edited by Vins724; 06-26-2008 at 10:29 AM.
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