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Old 03-22-2003, 03:36 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Coquitlam, BC
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Just a heads up for anyone who is interested. I called KMS and they quoted me a price of $69.95 for a CO2 Regulator I packed up my son and drove out, I couldn't find it so I asked for help. The sales man told me the cheapest CO2 Reg they have is $89.95 when I complained and told them I just called in the sales man said "Oh I thought you meant an Argon Reg" anyway with some arguing and complaining I got the reg for $69.95....

If you are looking for a reg make sure you are clear you want a CO2 Regulator, my understanding is that the price difference is mainly because of the fittings.
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