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Old 06-22-2008, 04:23 AM
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Default Scientists discover a new mathematical formula...for the perfect cheese sandwich

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 12:04 AM on 20th June 2008

Most of us are happy to slap two pieces of bread together with a few slices of cheddar and, if we're lucky, a squirt of salad cream to make a good cheese sarnie.

But it seems the process may have just become a bit more complicated than that.

Not content with their usual figures and algebra, scientists have discovered a mathematical formula for creating the perfect cheese sandwich.

The formula:

W [1 + ((bd)/6.5)) - s + ((m-2c)/2) + ((v+p)/7t)] (100 + l/100)

W = the thickness of Cheddar in millimetres

B = The thickness of the bread

D = The dough flavour modifier

S = The thickness of margarine or butter

M = The thickness of mayonnaise

C = The creaminess modifier

V = The thickness of tomato

P = The depth of pickle

T = The tanginess modifier

I = The thickness of the lettuce layer

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