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Old 06-19-2008, 06:06 PM
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Default ZEO rocks never again

I had a beautifull 1 year old tank with ZERO alge and growing SPS with very nice colors.
Then ZEO "miracle" came to our land.My tank is now full of red hair algae.
ZEO rocks are just NO3 and Po4 Factory, at least it was to me similar to BIO balls.

I had corresponding flow to my tank size throu the rock , regular shaking, RO/DI water only with TDS @ o-ppm, marine pro salt, fresh T5 bulbs, water change every 8 days, two skimmers 600 L/air /hr each, 90x times display tank flow turnover. Sal 1.024, Ph always 8.3 day above 8.1 night.
I feed my sps regulary with variable diet.

I was never able to find a sweet spot between carbon and bacteria doisng, so I got rid of ZEO rocks and will never go back to it.Still use some suplements like Sponge, Amino acid etc. Just because i still have it.

3 weeks without ZEO rocks, cut down light first two days no loight at all, now down to 3hrs a day, vigorus Po4 removal and manual algae removal, seem to improve overall tank condition.

For red cyino though I use ZEO-bak soaked in ZEO-snow seems to help.
Will never use ZEO rocks again.
Not to mention large SPS loss due to a tiny bit more flow that I tried for few days. Lost about 400$ worth of SPS in 4 days like a snap !.

Still have 2/3 of a bag of zeo rocks if anybody wants it.

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