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Old 06-18-2008, 05:14 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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Gotta agree with Snappy.

Change out your filters, flush your RO membrane and change your DI resin. In 2 weeks you should be back to normal. If I see algae starting in my tank it is always because of the RO unit, regardless of the TDS (which can vary greatly depending on the device used to measure). Do this and the algae will go away by itself.

Also, I would not recommend storing your new RO water in a rain water container that long (more than 24-48 hours) if it is not food grade. Good luck.

Originally Posted by Snappy View Post
are you using RO water? If not the spring run off time is really bad for extra chemicals in the water our reefs don't like. I am having a similar battle as I neglected to change my RO filters soon enough.
I'm out.
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