It is - it's just underneath the ritteri. I realize it doesn't belong in there long term but it was the only spot it would fit for now.
I tried a second video last night where I started off zoomed in on the carpet and then pulled back to reveal the ritteri above - thought it would be a neat effect, but 2 things kept me from posting it. 1) I had filmed it vertically, I thought it would be easy to rotate the frame 90 degrees (just like you could with a photo) but I couldn't figure out how to do that, and 2) when I pulled back enough to show the ritteri the exposure jumps off the scale. I might have had it on auto-exposure-lock. It looks like the sun is going supernovae. So I'll try again maybe tonight and see if I can do a better job this time.
The flow patterning where you see a displacement wave is caused by a maxijet with upgrade kit running off my wavemaker (a really long extension cord from one tank to the other). There are also two other MJ-upgrades but they are on full time. I found that placing them on a wavemaker is hard on the attachment bracket because they vibrate ever so slightly on startup. Eventually the little swing arm snaps off because of this. So I had an unused upgrade kit but no mounting bracket (because it had broken), so I used the standard suction cup mount for a Maxijet and just stuck the whole thing to the glass. So the fan shape flow output is more of a half-fan that follows along the glass. It's not really an ideal setup (this won't hold forever) but I do really like the flow effect I get from it.