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Old 06-16-2008, 08:21 PM
Red Coral Aquariums Red Coral Aquariums is offline
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 775
Red Coral Aquariums is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Lance View Post
Im sure other West Coasters have noticed that Alberta, (Calgary in particular), seems to have considerably more reefers. (There are many more postings on this forum from Albertans). I don't know for sure, but I'd guess that Calgary has more SW outlets than Vancouver, even though Van is considerably larger. Aside from a half dozen shops in Van City there isn't really much else in BC. A few on the Island and in the interior and that's about it. Add Edmonton's SW shops to Calgary's and I'm sure there are twice as many as in BC. (And soon you're getting a huge Big Al's)
Is it because many people in BC live near the ocean and take it for granted, or maybe Alberta's standard of living is higher and more people can afford the hobby? Any thoughts on this?
If I wasn't such a "whiner" about the climate; my ocean view; and the Canucks I'd move to Calgary and shop my A$$ off.
Lance (SW deprived)
As a hobbiest for many years in Calgary I visited many great SW stores here. One thing I found was there was always a lacking compared to the BC coast stores. Many Calgarians including myself has ordered goods, hardware, livestock from BC whereas, how many people from BC has ordered product from Calgary? Huge disparity.
As a new SW store owner here in Calgary I aspire to compete with the well managed and well stocked competitors on the West Coast. If they were in Calgary I would not have considered my purchase of Red Coral. That could be the reason for the fewer amount of stores in your area.
For myself I found it was nice to have a little piece of the ocean in my home and only wish I had an Ocean View. (I could never be a Cannuck fan though)
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