Hey, I gotta show SOMEthing once in a while to justify my post count. There are far nicer tank systems out there than mine, usually it's me looking at everyone else's tank thinking "mannnnnn, these guys are all showoffs."
The two things that have me a little concerned are it's complete lack of zooxanthellae (it's white, not brown) and it's not eating. But, it's pretty early yet so hopefully it will come around. One of my other carpets was similarly white at time of purchase and darkened up within a few weeks. Although it wasn't nearly this to begin with, so it might not be a fair to be comparing them yet at this point.
May 12, 2004:
June 21, 2004:
@Dave - yeah it is sitting about 8" right now on account of its folds. If it chose to lay out flat I'd guesstimate it's more like 10" diameter.
@Michika - Yeah, fitting it is a bit of a challenge. It's currently in the cube, sort of kitty-korner AND underneath the ritteri. It's summer so the ritteri is particularly huge and causing problems trying to be about 24" (it's bugging my clam in there

@Drew - Yeah, I know, I'm predictable..

I was hoping to have seen some of the blues from the batch yours came from, but maybe they're not folks on Canreef.. So I had to take matters into my own hands.