Thread: wifes tank
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Old 06-15-2008, 07:41 PM
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Sushiman Sushiman is offline
Join Date: Oct 2001
Location: Mission, B.C.
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Sushiman is on a distinguished road

Mr.Restless, I'm really not surewhat you are rambling (and you are rambling, re-read your thread if you like) on about but let me just say this then I am off this silly thread. This board is full of people who have been in the aquarium hobby for years. I myself started this hobby nearly thirty years ago, I was breeding & wholesaling Angels & Rams when I was in high school. It drove my Mother nuts. Your "old school" comments can stop any time. You are not the only person to ever collect in the field BTW.
The simple fact is you are asking top dollar for an item that does not hold it's value except in very specific circumstances. i.e.:Starfire. If you are not going to take the time or effort to provide details of a sale that is quite the standard on every board that I have been to, please do not be surprized when folks start asking you questions. Also, don't be surprized to recieve feedback of this nature when you are just plain rude & offensive.
Good luck with your sale, may I recommend
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