Everything I don't know about phyto...
would surely fill a book, lol
Ok, so I think my filter feeders, my x-mas tree worms in particular would benefit greatly from the addition of phyto to the tank. (should have really been doing it from the start) I don't live in one of the big cities though, so pickings are slim on products I could use to dose with/or start a culture of my own without having to order something or spend at least $55 on gas.
I went to the pet store today and all they have is Kent products (chromaplex, phyto-something-or other, etc.) None of these bottles are refrigerated, have no expiry date and who knows how long they have been sitting on that shelf. Are my instincts right and this stuff is not to be trusted and/or is crap? Or would it possibly work in a pinch?
Second: for those of you who use phyto or make your own what is your favorite product? (either starter culture, your recipe and secrets

for dyi phyto, straight out phyto product or what have you)
thank you!!!!