I had a pretty bad red planaria outbreak recently. They weren't the nasty kind such as AEFWs, but it was pretty unsightly nonetheless. However, with the demise of Salifert's Flatworm Exit in Canada because of some bureaucratic BS there wasn't much I could do aside from cursing at my useless six-line and yellow coris wrasses as they chowed down on mysis instead of flatworms.
So I picked this up at OA:
After siphoning out as many of the little buggers as I could I added the recommended 4 drops/10 gallons and waited, but nothing happened. It wasn't until I got to around 6 drops/10 gallons that I started to see results after about half an hour of waiting. The tank filled with dead planaria. I did the required 25% WC and after a few days I haven't seen any flatworms (fingers crossed!).
Casualties? My red millepora began bleaching, but has begun to regain some of its colour, and my little blue neon goby has gone AWOL. However, I can't directly attribute this to the medication as I re-did about half the rockwork at the same time.
All in all this stuff seems to work as advertised although you may have to overdose a bit and be patient.