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Old 06-11-2008, 09:56 PM
i have crabs's Avatar
i have crabs i have crabs is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Airdrie
Posts: 1,004
i have crabs is on a distinguished road

the first tank is 48" and the sump is packed, id like to build it into a 6' tank so i could have room for more stuff like a calcium reactor and some other stuff, the anemone in the middle has a big reach and tends to sting everything so i dont buy any corals, everything in thier is just grown in over the last couple years except a few frags from other tanks, id like to completly gut it and have a lps dominate tank, also i built the tank 28" deep and the rock in thier all not big enough pieces to stack them high enough without crumpling down so the rock work is almost a big brick.

the big grouper tank has been a battle with nitrates ever since adding buddie the big grouper on the left, im gonna get some different powerheads to clean it up and the tank is 30" deep so im gonna buy some tek light that i can hang up higher
but what the heck do i know
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