Well... after countless headaches trying to figure this out to add a overflow/sump, and hitting numerous roadblocks.... I have caved.. I went to a LFS today, to look at some 23-29G tanks for a sump, and saw a 75G RR (Single Cornerflo) tank tucked into the corner (even comes with some of the plumbing hardware)...... So......... I bought it (lay away till the weekend)..
75G will be the new display tank, 54G will be a sump/fuge.
In the end, i think it will only be a difference in cost of about $50 more... which in mind will be worth it, bigger display, no worries about drilling my 54, no headaches trying to add an overflow... etc etc. I think I will be much happier with this setup.
If your curious what I am gonna do with the "wasted" acrylic... I am gonna build myself a viewing box for my camera.