It's a beaut, Drew.
All indications I can see seem positive. The flow seems good, your description is what I have sort of used as a suggestion to others regarding flow - ie, you want to see the "skirt lifted up" occasionally. Another way to think of it is, any slime or goo that comes to rest on the oral disk, should be washed away by the current rather than let it settle indefinitely on the anemone.
If you have any frozen cyclops-eeze, you should try shooting some towards the carpet with a turkey baster. At least mine react like crazy, really coming alive for it (looks like a bowl of spaghetti gone berserk). Although I would caution against feeding too much for the first couple of weeks, go gently and ramp up slowly. Although having said that if it's eaten mysis already, it could be ready to eat, you have to sort of observe and use your own judgment. It's just that too much food (right off the bat) is probably worse than not enough food, so it's a bit of a delicate balancing act. Observing carefully though does tell us whether they're ready for more or not .. you'll just know. I'm probably not making a whole lot of sense here .. sorry..