Well I can't beleive that my leave is done and over with, I fly out today at 15:00 and its a sad day for the kids and Tammy. I got alot done when i was home around the house. every list that I made I was able to get it done. Got to see some of the Reno's getting done, which was good to be here for. I never did get around to getting the tank transfered over, but that is ok come Sept I will have it flying like always. I will have 3 weeks off again to burn so that wont be to bad, plus tile our Laudry room. bathroom, spare bedroom. So back to being the work hourse again.

Ao with out any more babbling, take care will check in from time to Time. If there is a award on here to give our friendsI would Vote Doug 1 st he has been amazing with watching the tank for me.
THanks Doug
see ya in September.