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Old 03-17-2003, 12:25 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Prince Rupert B.C.
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trilinearmipmap is on a distinguished road

Well I have always thought the standard method of keeping a betta in a small bowl was cruel. But especially with the fancy breeds you wouldn't want them in with any other fish as you would want to protect their fins.

I had this idea for a betta-bowl with hidden filtration. The idea would be a pedestal type piece of furniture with a large (?14" circumference) decorative glass bowl on top. In the centre of the bowl would be a tube which would function as an overflow with a hole drilled in the centre bottom. The wooden pedestal base would conceal a sump with heater and filtration. Return from the sump would be via some tubing inside the overflow tubing.

Anyway this would serve the needs of having a decorative display for your betta as well as treating it to some decent water quality.
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