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Old 06-05-2008, 01:05 AM
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acanthastrea freak
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well i ahve a few more before I head back over to Afghanistan My wife wanted me to swap the tank over tomorrow, but I dont think I will have enough time to get it sorted out and well I love to but I dont want to rush this transfer since I will be gone a better part of 4 months. I hate to see if something happens if I'm gone. so I tried something different today I painted the tank a ocean blue and then I'm applying some lacquer paint to harde over it it will still have the blue on the inside. But the out side will be a solid black what so you guys think of it..

this is just 2 coats im going to put another 2-3 on its works great with not peeling either you can see the blue on the inside too I think it's pretty slick.

and I installed the egg crate too. its getting there

and oh ya i built the sump stand, after building it I notiiced that it was to tall so i had to cut off 6 " off the legs

There will be a wall dividing the fish room and the laundry room with 36" louver doors just off to the right of the sump that is where the Kalk reactor will be along with my shelving too.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
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