its all going to depend on what you want to keep in the tank.
if you are going with this tank
SUmp or no sump, if you are getting a sump then the drilled part is great for you, just get a mag 5 for a return and you can keep your heaters and running all the goodies in the bottom for your tank with the display open for your corals
your sand try to get some sea chem select its great I love it its not to fine but fine enough.
Skimmer type i would go with a Deltec MCE 300 or a remora pro with a mag 3/5
Lighting- its going to depend on what you want some like the T-5's, some like the VHO's and then the best MH if you are planning to get a bigger tank then go wit ha 150 or a 250 single with actinic lights for supplment.
Live rock will have to be in there too. like around 50-60 lbs for your filteration. that is just the basic's for you to start up other people will have better ways of doign it that is what i would do for now.
BUT AT THE End OF THE DAY. It;s going to depend on how much you are wanting to spend? and What you LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
180 starfire front, LPS, millipora
Doesn't matter how much you have been reading until you take the plunge.
You don't know as much as you think.