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Old 06-01-2008, 01:29 PM
cole004 cole004 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Chilliwack
Posts: 51
cole004 is on a distinguished road

Been a bit since my last post but here are the updates. Added PFO lighting and mag 18 return. (Thanks Chwkreefer) Moved Mag 5 to the closed loop. Cleaned up electrical and added shelf. At the same time installed 92 inch screen and LCD projector. Still chasing a leak in the closed loop and battling with a leak in the top trim. Started work on the front of the stand.

90G Build Jan/2008

Equip - 90G, 20G Sump, Coralife Super Skimmer 65, Drilled mag 18 return, Closed loop[ w/ Mag 5, 2 Hydor Flow - Rotating Water Deflector and Wave Maker, 2 Hydor Koralia1 & 1 Hydor Koralia3. 40bls live rock, 2 48" Aqualight PFO w/ T8's

Livestock - flame angel, yellow tang. maroon clown, blue devil damsel, 5 b/g chromis - 3 Anthelia, 1 feather dusters, 3 hairy mushrooms, watermelon mushroom, many crabs & snails
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