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Old 05-29-2008, 08:09 PM
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wickedfrags wickedfrags is offline
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The dendros are still by the polyp really, just at more than half-off the posted price. I have colonies from 4-10 polyps available. For those interested, just let me know what size you are thinking. Note: This is only for the group order at this time. I should be able to accomodate most size requests +/- 1 polyp I am thinking. These dendtos are generally low light low flow, but can easily adapt to other lighting. I have them on the sandbed of my 25" tall display with 400W laides (over 2000W of light total), and on the sandbed in my 8" tall growout tank with 8 54W T5's. Doing well in all areas.

Aussie Whiteline Sponge - low light, low flow. No exceptions IME. I have had mine for 11 months. Do not feed them directly.

Originally Posted by ElGuappo View Post
how much are the small colonies this may be worth uping my ante. also what is the light requirements for the assuie whiteline to the right of the dendro?
I'm out.
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