90 Gallons complete saltwater system for sale:
The system has been running for 2 years without any problem.
- 90 gallons Hagen tank
- Custom stand and hood
- 48” 760W Metal Halide HQI lighting system with moon lights
- Two fans
- Aqua C Remora Pro Hang-On Protein Skimmer with pump
- Surface skimmer
- 120 lbs of live rocks
- 4” of sand
- 9 Watts UV light
- Two 300w heaters
- 3 power heads
- 2 Tunze Nanostream pump
- Mag Drive 350 water pump
- 40 gal container
- one 250 w heater
- Eheim Canister filter
- Magnet glass cleaner
- Test kit
- Others
- Blue Tang
- Yellow Tang
- Sailfin Tang
- Yellow Eye Tang
- Maroon Clown
- Blue Damsel
- Cardinalfish
- Bicolor Blennies
- Yellow Watchman Goby
- Flame Angel
- Wrasse
- Yellow Banded Coral Shrimp
- Snails
- Crabs
- Sun Flower
- Few Bubble corals
- Candy Cane
- Hammer Coral
- Different Brain Corals
- Tube Worm
- Mushrooms
- Sea Anemone
- Zoanthids
- Yellow Polyps
- Kenya Tree
- Others
Complete set for $1700.00 obo. I will not sell separately, must take the complete set. Please call David at (604)861-4435.