After rereading this thread, hijack and all, I see that innova was one of the ones that is "good".
I'll be honest, I didnt do a lot of DD into dog food, I just bought the most expensive stuff that the local pet shop had.
They carry that nutro brand as well, and it's almost 40% less than the Innova, I'm going to try it based on this hijacked thread.
I am blown away by what I have read, though I can only imagine how much my dog would LOVE that bulldozed pile of fermented meat and animal parts but all the same, I still don't want him eating it....
I have a lot of worms like that in my tank and aside from rasing the odd hair on my neck, they never seem to do any damage to my inhabitants and I read that they can be beneficial in removing or loosening detritus in the rocks...