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Old 05-27-2008, 06:20 AM
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Originally Posted by justinl View Post
Greg, the ones you see on the rocks probably just technically aren't xmas tree worms...
Actually yes they are, I don't want to sound like a jerk but I think I have enough experience both in this hobby and as a diver to know the difference between a feather duster and a xmas tree worm. They are very commom in orange, red, blue and grey in the Puerto Vallarta area and host in solid rock. They bore a hole just like they do in the corals. I recommend you go diving at Los Arcos for example and then come back and tell me they aren't xmas tree worms.
But if you go can I come too? We'll have a blast..

I've never even heard of this does it differ from Porites? It looks VERY similar. If this is true (and I doubt it very little), then I bet there are A LOT of misidentified Porites out there!
It is an LPS and Porites is SPS, the polyps are completely different. As they get bigger the difference if more prodominant.
Here is a picture (magnified) I just took of mine. At night the regular polyps start to retract and if you look closely you'll see sweepers starting to extend in a few places. In a few more hours it will be a mass of tenticles.


Last edited by Snappy; 05-27-2008 at 06:58 AM.
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