You are confusing clips with tabs....tabs break and super glue fixes the problem....clips break in half and no amount of super glue fixes them. I have 3 clips broke in half so I now use expensive nano streams to mix water. I also have 3 hydors. Both types of power heads have their issues. I have one hydor with a broken shaft and another that wont stay together no mater what I try...did I mention I have 5 power-heads for mixing salt and one unusable?
Originally Posted by sphelps
I've noticed that although the hydors are cheaper you really need to compare flow rate. The nanostream 6045 is rated at almost 1200 GPH, the nano hydor is only 250 GPH, you have to use the largest hydor pump (4) just to match the 6045. Although still a decent price difference the nanostream is a fraction of the size, something well worth the extra money when it comes to creating a cleaner look.
The controllable version 6055 is a big jump in price, but the actual controllers are cheaper than the hydor controllers so it's not too bad. I myself use the 6055 it plugs right into my profilux which gives way more controllability than anything else, another feature not available with the hydors.
It's all about what you want, the hydors really can't produce much flow only comparable to the nanostreams. The nanostreams are much smaller with the idea of being used in smaller tanks. If you have the space for the hydors then you should be considering the tunze streams, although more money produce waaay more flow. In this hobby you almost always get what you pay for.
On a side note I'm not sure why everyone complains about the clip problem, soon as I got mine I just super-glued the clip to the inside magnet and problem solved. Not sure why tunze never made that one piece to begin with.