Originally Posted by DanG
with the new tank, I switched to seachem reef salt. I was tired of having to measure out 2 table spoons of this to get IO up to where it needed to be, 4 tablespoons of this, and 1 table spoon of this.
Honestly, to be able to dump a bunch of salt into some RODI water, check the salinity and know you're good to go is worth the extra 20 bucks a pail for me.
I am ready to buy some additional salt when I head to the Coast later this week. The Kent I am using is giving me some pretty odd test results, I must have gotten some of that odd batch others had mentioned.
After reviewing the summary test report posted here earlier I am looking at purchasing either Seachem Reef or TMP Reef. Mostly to minimize the need to dose as DanG mentions.
Any additional thoughts on this issue?