Originally Posted by Snappy
 Many corals are deceiving. For example would you think a hammer or frogspawn would look like they do when inflated if you had only first seen them deflated with just their base skeleton showing? Anyway the sweepers on my baseball size Siderastrea extend anywhere from about 2" - 5"
And if you think this is bad (at night time) take a look at a galaxy coral, their not shy at all with those tenticals.
Originally Posted by Oscar
Snappy: Thanks for the insight. This is actually my first coral, I am still waiting until I am sure that my system has stabilized and that I figure out the Ca, Mg, alk issues until I add coral.
I still have plenty of algae, now that I know what this ceature is I will have to be a bit more vigilant in pruning algae around its perimeter.
Any special feeding requirements I should be aware of?
Being an LPS coral target feeding small meaty foods will help this coral grow, still its said that 90% of energy captured by coral is from photosynthesis of their symbiotic algea so strong lighting and proper water conditions are the best way to maintain health.