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Old 05-26-2008, 04:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Oscar View Post
I am testing for all of these too. As some others have reported there was a batch of Kent that had some weird parameters. Calcium is continuously high, while Mg is low. So I have recently been dosing to get the Mg up.

My Alk has been too low. So before dosing for alk I think I am going to hold off on the purple for a few weeks to see what happens.
Honestly i find it easier to mix new water and adjust to what i want it to be, then add to tank. I realize you need to get wats in there already up to snuff so to speak, but make the water what you want before you put it in. Yes there have been a few instances with bad salt from well as seachem, instant ocean..i'm sure others which is why my opinion test every batch of water before it goes in. Albiet contaiments we cannot test for can harm...but err on the side of caution
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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