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Old 05-26-2008, 05:45 AM
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bv_reefer bv_reefer is offline
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Originally Posted by PzReefer View Post
I agree also that the magnesium levels are likely your cause of lower calcium levels. If you use a magnesium supplement like kents or seachem you could raise the Mg levels by about 50 ppm every couple of days over a week or so, to about 1400-1450 ppm then target your Ca at your desired level with a Ca supplement at about an increase of 15 ppm per couple of days after that.

My levels are as follows 1450 ppm Mg 440 Ca and Alk is 9.2 dKH.

I use a Calcium reactor with reef bones and Zeomag with an effluent drip rate of 80 ml/min and ph of 6.6 I have not added any other supplement for these three for over three months just check drip rates and monitor alk. check CA and MG once a month.

thats exactly the parameters i'm going for, looks like i might have to balance out other parameters like my alkalinity before worrying about my calcium. although my tanks not big enough to go into a Calc.reactor i think i'm gonna start another calcium buffer in liu with my purple-up in my top-off water.

thanks again for all the comments everyone-
33g fowlr / 20g sump / 400 watt pendant / Euro-Reef RC80~~~~lavendar tang, lemon butterfly, snowflake eel, hawaiian spotted puffer, tomato clown, chomis..

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