Originally Posted by Oscar
OK so what is the supposed benefit of Purple Up? I have been using it since I started my tank 2 months ago, primarily to encourage coraline alagae. I am using Kent salt and my clacium is regularly testing at 500 although my Mg is low.
Is there any benefit to Purple Up at that level of calcium? It tests at that same level with a fresh batch of SW as it prepares for a water change.
Purple up is nothing more than a hugely overpriced calcium supplement, nothing more nothing less. You pay for packaging in a neat little bottle. It is a rip off for what you are getting. That being said it does work, but it costs a lot compared to other supplements/ways of doing things. It doesn't build coraline algae at all, good water parameters, a source or coraline to begin with build coralline algae. Even strong metal halides deter coralline...it lt thrives in a bit darker...Most of my tanks that had super corraline growth, i mean inches think were all on the undersides of rock, and all grew in the tanks that had the most vho actinics. It's present everywhere but thrices in the darker areas..and yes all colors. the more shade the darker/more intese the color (whatever it was). Compare calcium supplements, and buy the cheapest/least hassle free way for YOU do dose your aquarium. Regardless of what anyone else says. If it's convienent for you but not the way others do it, who cares. But you are paying way to much for what it does...way way to much.