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Old 05-22-2008, 05:41 AM
Nevin Nevin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: New Westminster, BC
Posts: 101
Nevin is on a distinguished road
Default Stand is done!

My progress has been very gradual and it's too long since I updated. My stand is done! Well, almost--have to build the light fixture. The bowfront tank presented a real challenge in adapting the stand. The curved front piece is made from 9 separate strips of wood glued together and even though the front layer of veneer bubbled up a little I'm more than happy with the final results.

I found a swing check valve at Ocean Aquatics and I think I have everything I need to plumb it. Oops, except for the sump which broke.

The stand:

Close-up of the top:

That's all for now. Hope I can move along a little faster and update soon.

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