I had been into fresh water, African Cichlids and such for many years and back in the late 80's my tank sprung a leak. Due to time constraints I shut it down but told my wife when I eventually got back into the hobby it would be salt water. Then about 4 years ago my son came home and told us about a party he was at where they had a little RC submarine in a fish tank and chased the fish with it. Right around that time I was winding down with my soccer coaching so my wife had told me to think about a new hobby because I would need one to replace the time I spent coaching. Anyway my wife liked the idea of the fish tank, went out and bought a submarine and informed me that maybe I should get back into this hobby. Well obviously I did & the rest is history except she never really got to use the sub much, it rusted up right away and we never got another one. Now of course I would never allow one of those near my tank.