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Old 05-16-2008, 05:03 AM
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Dale Dale is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Abbotsford, BC.
Posts: 189
Dale is on a distinguished road

Hi Mark,
Not so bad, I'd say. It drains at the surface so I think that helps. I tried putting the outflow lower in the tank but the back pressure wouldn't allow for a complete syphon break. I'll add a video of it down the road.

Here are some more Fauna shots (sorry, I'm a lousy photographer)

This is a Staghorn sculpin

and some Three spine sticklebacks

An Aggregating anenome

and this is my sun star. Keeping one of these was the inspiration for this whole set up. I'm afraid he is raiding the cookie (mussel) jar.

So far all of the Fauna has taken readily to frozen mysis, bloodworms and clam meat as well as phytoplankton, rotifers and cyclopeez for the barnacles and mussels.
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