Well, that took a little while (June 2006 - May 2008)
Here's a shot of the tank now
Hum... It's no longer a 135G. tank. That tank was moved to the rear of the fishroom and now houses my school of freshwater sunfish. In its place I've installed a 75G. display serviced by a 100G. sump.
Here's a schematic of the sump set up:
The one change is #12 listed as a closed loop feed. The surge from the CSD was a little too much so I had to plumb that line as an additional drain into the sump.
and a shot inside the fishroom:
Everything is a little rough right now. As I decide that each system is working as wanted I will tidy things up (even though, as a hobo reef, the decor could be called "shabby chic"
Here's a shot of my return pump; a modified AC 110 powerfilter. Two of my goals were to reduce power consumption as a whole and to reduce heat inputs into the system (mainly removing submersible pumps that heat the surrounding water). By mounting the sump 10" lower that the display I could use the AC 110 filter as a return. It runs on 14 watts and the pump is external.