Originally Posted by mseepman
When you look at the sizing for a sump, you really need to make a few decisions first...
a) What skimmer will you have? In-sump or external?
b) Will you incorporate a fuge in the design?
c) How much will the display hold, so that during a power outage, your sump can handle the backflow until your siphon break kicks in.
d) Will you have an ATO system?
I'm sure there are even more questions, but once you answer these, it will help you figure out size.
May we ask.. Which do you prefer- in-sump or external?
If by fuge you mean refuge for fish to get away from predators, no, we will probably not have the external room for a refuge.
That is interesting.. how much backflow is normal? and should the sump be run at a level lower than the expected overflow?
I will have to find out what a ATO is.. lol.