Maybe it's best if it does just blow over. It is tragic about the rays; but in context how many fish, coral and invertebrates die in Calgary each day in the pet stores and in peoples homes due to neglect, untreated diesease, water quality issues, poorly designed systems....? It's like the ducks in Northern Alberta - people are quick to rally against the oil industry yet everyday 100,000's of birds are killed by cats and I don't see any movement to eliminate them. Every day there are threads on this website from people whose tanks have collapsed, who can't keep certain corals alive yet still keep trying, who try and keep fish in tanks that are too small and we all give them advice and wish em better luck next time. If the public decides that ultimately wild animals should be left there because people can't take care of them then we all better start looking for a new hobby. Those who own glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
My 2 cents.
Not sure I agree with that completely. If it is a result of a
deliberate action I think it is deplorable of the guilty party and they should be punished. as for regular actions of nature,Eg, a cat killing a bird etc, thats a normal instinctive action of an animal. As for the oil industry, sure I would love to see them pay but being realistic I know it probably won't happen, just keep watching our fuel prices going up and maybe one day the general public will say "ENOUGH". Until that time comes you might as well get used to it..I agree some people shouldn't keep tanks or any pets for that matter, however sadly it usually takes some deplorable action for any action to be taken. But yes there are those in the aquarium industry argueably shouldn't be but some of the people that are new are going to make mistakes, thats why there are forums to help them understand where they went wrong. Its the people that make the same mistakes over and over again that should find a good book to read and stay out of the aquarium biz. As quoted by a much smarter person than me..
"Those that do not learn from their mistakes are destined to repeat them" Everybody must start from the beginning and with time and knowledge they achieve some of the beautiful tanks you see on the various web sites. It also brings a love and understanding of what nature offers us in the wild, as evidenced by some of the great dive pictures members send in. So to summarize I agree that some people shouldn't be allowed to have pets of any kind, I disagree that it should just blow over. A reason for it must be determined, whether its poisoning or a fault with the zoo's system.....my 2cents