I agree with Albert. I was wondering about some kind of metal, like copper or something like that and if that could be an explanation. I doubt we would ever get a truthful explanation for what happened tho. I like how in that globe and mail article it had this written
“In-house tests showed that the water was within “normal” parameters. But it could take up to two months for toxicology results.”
2 months, just long enough for people to start forgetting about what happened and turning their eyes to other Calgary news. Haha, man Calgary just drives me crazy these days. They show these horrible events in the news people feel so bad at first, then a week later they bombard you with hockey news and other irrelevant crap and people forget about all the bad stuff. They don’t ever seem to solve anything suspicious in this city, they just forget about it. Same thing that happens with all the murder cases in Calgary, outta sight, outta mind.
That’s my rant for the day.
I got drunk, what can I say
I didnt go to work today
Stayed at home, wrote a song
Thats what I do all day long
Not for you, its for me
Dont wanna be on tv
Fame and fortune is not for us
Guess its just our gloomy gus
Drunk ska punk
Drunk ska punk
all we play is
Drunk ska punk!!!!