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Old 05-13-2008, 11:39 PM
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gqlmao gqlmao is offline
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Calgary
Posts: 260
gqlmao is on a distinguished road

I've kept one, they are very slow fish indeed. I've seen lots of people on forums train their mandarins to eat dry foods, But thats rare even if they do they have to be fed using a glass jar and they place food in there and hope that other fish don't come in and steal. If you are lucky you should be able to come across one that readily accepts frozen at your local LFS. I wouldn't buy one unless they do accept frozen foods at the very least. 29 gallons is fine as long as it takes food supplements, however if they do not eat the pod growth in that tank size will not be sufficient to support them long term wise.
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