You should have stayed in town yesterday, then I could have put you to work over here!
Okay stocking plan tentatively are;
Tangs - various, will post when I actually have them
Emperor angel
Male mandarin, which I have already. I would like to add a female, but they seem to be extra hard to find.
I want a schooling fish of sorts, I am researching glass eye cardinals right now
Pair of yellow headed jawfish
a few lipstick conches
my one yellow damsel, one of my first fish from when I first started.
Clown gobies - green, or yellow, not sure yet.
The plan is to do a bunch of low islands throughout the tank, and to eventually grow up SPS colonies, like stags, digis and birdnests. I would like to create a forest like look and have the SPS act as hiding spaces. I want to put a minimal amount of rock in the display, and plan to keep the bulk of the rock in the sump.
Since I have to wait for the SPS to grow in, I'll be adding fish in 3 or so waves. 1st wave will be a few more social fish, and my existing livestock. I want fish that will stay out and will socialize, and in turn they will bring out any shy fish I add in the future. 2nd wave will be some of the bottom dwellers; jawfish, and maybe a blenny. 3rd wave, once the SPS has grown in, or I add rock towers (if my SPS problem continues), will be the schooling fish, and those that have an intimate relationship with SPS, like clown gobies. I think all in all I want 5-6 larger fish (tangs, the angel, wrasses) , 5-10 medium fish (smaller wrasses, etc), and probably 10-15 small fish (cardinals, gobies).
We'll take it as it goes and make changes as need. I'll definitely consider any fish. I saw a lookdown at the store today, and thought it was quite cool.
Last edited by michika; 05-11-2008 at 07:44 PM.